Wednesday 18 June 2014

We love bikes!

Today we saw a big bike. It was really cool. It was a racing bike.
We learnt a lot of new things about bikes today. -Sophie P
We saw the brakes, when you squeeze them really hard they stop the wheels. -Fletcher
We learnt about the tyres, they go fast down the hill.- Dylan
We saw the special clothes you need to wear while you are biking. You need to wear bibbed shorts so your butt is nice and warm and it is comfy.- Isabel
You need a helmet in case you fall because you might crack your head.- Ryan
You need to wear special shoes to keep your feet on the pedals.- Sophie K
You need to pack 2 drinks just in case. You need a lemon and lime tablet which is called Gu. It makes you strong so you can bike well.- Jett

Here is some writing we did...
My favourite part was the pocket because you can put what ever you want in it and only the useful stuff. If you just grabbed the stuff you want and then your tyre got a hole you would have nothing useful. Then you would be walking the rest of the way. 
By Isabel

When you are ready to get moving on the bike you wear a bib. It has a special bottom cover. It has a bottom cover because if you sit on it with ordinary clothes you will get a sore bottom.
By Ella

You need a pair of padded pants to protect you butt while you are riding.
By Dylan

When you are on a racing bike you need to wear sunglasses because you might get stung by a bee. When it is dark the glasses are bright and when it is sunny the glasses are light.
By Brenna

When you are on a bike you will need sunglasses because if you don't have them on your eyes will sting a lot. when you don't have a bright shirt on at night you will get run over!
By Fletcher

When you are on a racing bike you need special shoes with clips on them. They stay on and you have brakes so you can stop.
By Emma

You need a pair of padded pants because they protect your butt when you are cycling. You need this bright yellow top so the cars can see you.
By Jack

Thank you very much Karen for coming in to show us these things!

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